dimanche 16 janvier 2011

IMGuest.com, like Foursquare for hotels

IMGuest.com is a new social network which permits to people to create business and opportunities by check-in into a hotel.

The point where it is different from Foursquare for instance is that the average stay in a hotel is several days. Usually when you use Foursquare, it is to inform that you are in this airport or in this coffee shop but that's it.

It is very easy to sign up, you can use your Facebook or Twitter account. Then you could inform IMGuest users regarding the purpose of your stay and find people to meet.

IMGuest.com is interesting for guests but also for hotel owner. It is a way for them to be connected to their guests in a different way.

In my opinion, this social network dedicated to hotels is really innovative. As a professional, what a great gain of time ! Traveling for one business and find another there !

1 commentaire:

  1. I think that this new social net work is a great opportunity for the business travelers as well as for the hotels.
    Due to this social network people can be connected with other travelers from the same hotel. I know that the business people travel very often alone. So, why not to find people by interest and take a dinner with them. Maybe it is a opportunity to create a new business.
    For the hotels this social network is also interesting. It helps to better know the clients, their interests, behavior. In some time a hotel can know much useful information about the stay of each client, which permits to communicate with him directly.

    I see only positive points about IMGust.com and I think it will be easy and interesting to use it.
