dimanche 30 janvier 2011

Net Literacy

Consumers wary of location-based services

In this survey, we learn that 5% of people use location based service as Foursquare and Facebook places and this number increases to 10% in U.S. Those people are also concerned about privacy.

Many people do not understand the Foursquare interest for instance. If you are a company, Foursquare is a way to show that your company exists, you have to register it. Then, you have the possibility to attract new customers by offering gifts and special badges. Thanks to this kind of website, you could also make your customers loyal.

Moreover, Foursquare offers much information as statistics, which permit to know better our client, and obviously the clients of our competitors.

At the end, it is also a way to create a buzz by creating games and offering a gift to the winner.
These kinds of websites are useful especially professionally as the privacy is less important when we talk about location. As an individual it is nice to show where you are at the moment but it could be dangerous. 

So, I would say, use location-based, but with moderation! 

mardi 25 janvier 2011

dimanche 23 janvier 2011

What consumers want more from a hotel in 2011 !

This study published by Orbitz retained my attention. What could be more interesting than learning the consumers expectations for a woman like me who wants to work in Hospitality ?! 

"Consumers are looking to get more for less", this sentence resumes perfectly the article.

In this study, we learn that promotional offers, swimming pool and extras are the TOP three in the consumer decision.

Obviously people are looking for more, and I won't disagree as I am the first one when I am looking for a hotel to check what could I have in addition for the same category and the same price. The swimming pool is also a key factor in my decision, as I am going to travel and wish to be able to relax and practice some sport.

With this information, we could say that having more facilities and offer amenities is for sure a success key.

As it was mentioned in the article, now you see more and more hotels which are welcoming pets. It is the proof that hoteliers are taking in account consumer wishes.

In other words, hotels have to offer more than others to be competitive.

Link to the article

Link to the full story

dimanche 16 janvier 2011

IMGuest.com, like Foursquare for hotels

IMGuest.com is a new social network which permits to people to create business and opportunities by check-in into a hotel.

The point where it is different from Foursquare for instance is that the average stay in a hotel is several days. Usually when you use Foursquare, it is to inform that you are in this airport or in this coffee shop but that's it.

It is very easy to sign up, you can use your Facebook or Twitter account. Then you could inform IMGuest users regarding the purpose of your stay and find people to meet.

IMGuest.com is interesting for guests but also for hotel owner. It is a way for them to be connected to their guests in a different way.

In my opinion, this social network dedicated to hotels is really innovative. As a professional, what a great gain of time ! Traveling for one business and find another there !

dimanche 9 janvier 2011

Best Western launches Ipad App !

By launching an Ipad app, Best Western give the opportunity to their guests to plan their future stay. In other words, they could access for instance to restaurant addresses located near the hotel.

More than planning, this app permits to share with future guests our experience. It is possible to add pictures, comments, good deals...

"BestWestern2Go" was already available on Iphone, now it is possible to download it for free on Itunes Store for your Ipad. Android users have also access to this app.

Nowadays, it is impossible to get away from Hotel apps. More and more hotels have already launched their apps, and I am convinced that hotels which are resistant to are making a mistake.

It is so important to be able to share experiences in Hospitality, from anywhere.

525 millions of smartphones where sold in 2010. This statistic shows the reality of this market. People are not going to wait to be at home to be connected on the Web.

Best Western is doing a good job, now we are waiting for more !

Link to the article

Hotel SKT Petri copenhagen - comments review

Hotel SKT Petri copenhagen - comments review

lundi 3 janvier 2011

Expedia offers free rooms upgrades for top customers

I choose this article because customer loyalty is really important in hospitality and it's necessary to constantly find a way to secure the loyalty of the guests.

Expedia is a very good example, as they reward their top customers by upgrading automatically during their stay.

To become a top customer and benefit of this upgrade, you have to book through Expedia at least 15 hotels or spend more than $10,000 in hotels and airfares annually.

Expedia is still working on this program by recruiting new hotels which accept to give free upgrades.

It is a small step but as we all know, it won't be enough. The problem still in the difference way of rewarding offered by different brands and independent hotels. If the traveler is staying in three different hotels and he is rewarding by upgrade and champagne in the first one and we could imagine with chocolates in the last one, it is pretty sure that he won't understand, because he is a top customer of Expedia.

In other words, I would say that Expedia is doing a great job but would it be enough ?

I am still convinced that hospitality and customer loyalty is a story of service quality. Giving amenities or upgrades is an option but a customer grades the entire stay. Even if a guest benefits upgrades, if there only one detail which he didn't appreciate, he won't come. 

In Hospitality, the service is the success key. Every employees have to be vigilant each second.